Sokratis Koniordos

Rank: Retired
Expertise: Sociology
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Curriculum Vitae: Full CV

Short biographical note

(Former Professor: Retired 31/08/2022)

Sokratis M. Koniordos (BA, Deree, BA Panteion, MA Kent, PhD LSE) is Full Professor of Sociology at the Dept. of Political Science & International Relations, University of Peloponnese, Greece. He has also taught at the following universities, Quest-Nanterre-Paris 8, Crete, Cyprus, Milan-Bicocca, Open, Thessaloniki, and HOU. Main research interests include: economic sociology, work, migration, modernity, civil society, values. Currently, he is Chair of the National Associations Council, European Sociological Association, Editor of Greek Sociological Review, and Principle Investigator of the WVS for Greece.

Koniordos’ has published 18 volumes; for instance, The Handbook of European Sociology, New York/London, Routledge, 2014 (with A. A. Kyrtsis); Conflict, Citizenship and Civil Society, London: Routledge, 2010 (with P. Baert, G. Procacci and C. Ruzza); Towards a Sociology of Artisans: Continuity and Discontinuities in Comparative Perspectives, Aldershot: Ashgate, 2001. Also, he has authored several research papers, for example: “An Overview of Greece’s ‘Brain Drain’ and the Crisis: Morphology and Beyond”, in Ch. Giousmpasoglou, et al. (eds), Brain Drain in Higher Education: the case of the Southern European Countries and Ireland, (2017), New York, Nova Publishing, pp. 17-70. “Living on Borrowed Money: On the Social Context and Responses of the Current Greek Crisis”, (2011), Economic Sociology: The European Electronic Newsletter, 12 (3): 48-57. “Social Capital Contested” (2008), International Review of Sociology, 18(2): 317-337.

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